Master Cleanse Resources

May 20th, 2011 Comments Off on Master Cleanse Resources

I have told several people that I am on the Master Cleanse and they want to know more about it.  I thought I would post a links page that will give everyone the recipe for the lemonade and the general instructions for following the fast.

There are several fasts and cleanses out there, but I think this is the simplest, most straight forward cleanse.  It’s a sea salt water flush, morning and evening, at least 60 oz. of the lemonade drink per day and decaffeinated herbal tea if desired.  Most people subscribe to it for a minimum of 10 days and some of the marathon fasters can go as long as 45 days.  I don’t know yet if I can even hang with it for the minimum 10 days, but I think that no matter how long you stay on it, it is beneficial.  Even a one day break from digestion is good in my mind.

Here is the website that I have used for the recipe and general instructions.

This is a fascinating article on fasting:

If you decide to try it, good luck!   If I find further resources that seem valuable I will update this post.


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